How can YOU help those affected by the Los Angeles Fires 2025 (from IAEM)

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¿Cómo puedes ayudar a los afectados por los incendios de Los Ángeles en 2025? (de la IAEM)
For those outside of the region, if you have a friend or colleague in the impacted area, please let them know they’re not alone. They may not have the bandwidth or availability to respond immediately, but your outreach will mean more than you know. It may also give them the energy they need to make it through the day.
There are and will be many needs. The following organizations are coordinating efforts.
- American Red Cross
- California Community Foundation
- California Fire Foundation
- Community Organized Relief Effort
- GoFundMe (has a verified list of fundraisers for people affected by the California Wildfires)
- LAFD Foundation Wildfire Emergency Fund
- League of California Community Foundations
- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
- Pasadena Community Foundation
- Pasadena Humane
- Southern California Southern California Division
- United Way of Greater Los Angeles
- Ventura County Community Foundation
- World Central Kitchens
IAEM (International Association of Emergency Managers) has posted these links on a special Los Angeles Fires 2025 Resources page. The page also includes links to local, state, and federal agencies for situational reports and public assistance. Please email with any links you would like to add.
Para quienes se encuentran fuera de la región, si tienen un amigo o colega en el área afectada, háganles saber que no están solos. Es posible que no tengan el ancho de banda o la disponibilidad para responder de inmediato, pero su ayuda significará más de lo que creen. También puede darles la energía que necesitan para superar el día. Hay y habrá muchas necesidades. Las siguientes organizaciones están coordinando esfuerzos.
- American Red Cross
- California Community Foundation
- California Fire Foundation
- Community Organized Relief Effort
- GoFundMe (has a verified list of fundraisers for people affected by the California Wildfires)
- LAFD Foundation Wildfire Emergency Fund
- League of California Community Foundations
- Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
- Pasadena Community Foundation
- Pasadena Humane
- Southern California Southern California Division
- United Way of Greater Los Angeles
- Ventura County Community Foundation
- World Central Kitchens
IAEM (International Association of Emergency Managers) ha publicado estos enlaces en una página especial de recursos sobre incendios en Los Ángeles 2025. La página también incluye enlaces a agencias locales, estatales y federales para obtener informes de situación y asistencia pública. Envíe un correo electrónico a con los enlaces que desee agregar.